Thursday, May 3, 2012

How a Blog Can Improve Your Business

Most of you have heard the term "blog" before, but how many realise what a blog can do for you? For some, they're dismissed as being something of a hobby, or a kind of personal journal. But blogs can hugely benefit your business in a lot of ways. If you're a website owner, a blog should be an an essential part of your online strategy, and here are a few reasons why.

First, What is a Blog?

For those who aren't completely sure about the definition of a blog, it's the short term for "web log", and means a website or section of a website where a number of entries or "posts" are presented in descending chronological order (ie, the newest ones appear at the top). There is no limitation on what the topic of a blog can be, so it can match your site exactly. Typically they share a range of content, information and opinions.

OK, So Why Do I Need One?

There are a huge number of benefits to adding a blog to your website. The most important ones are:

    * Blog content appears as real-time results. One of the main trends with search engine development over the past few years has been to bring fresher, newer results to searchers. With updates such as Google Caffeine, having a constant flow of interesting, sharable content will make the search engines love your site.

    * They can generate back-links. One of the most important ways to prove to Google that your website is high quality and worth recommending is to have other websites link back to it. This is no easy feat, but the social nature of a blog makes it much easier. The more interesting your content, the more people will link to it. And don't forget to utilise Facebook and Twitter!

    * It's a great way to communicate. Blogs are a super low-cost way to make additional contact with your customers. Use it to talk about new products and offers, as well as specialised advice and opinion pieces, and you'll have a solid, dedicated online following

Some Tips For Blog Writing

   1. Post regularly - at least once a week.
   2. Know your target market - think about who your customers are and what they want to know.
   3. Choose topics carefully - select subjects that are relevant to your business, but also interesting to read about.
   4. Link to your other sites and social media accounts.
   5. Include keywords - choose relevant keywords and use them carefully to appear higher in the searches.

Blogging is a great new way to think about your online presence. If you haven't already, consider whether adding one could bring a whole host of benefits to your site.

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