You are uploading fresh content regularly. Your site has all the latest bells and whistles such as scrolling text banners and ad sense cupboards. Your articles are compact, relevant and grammatically standardized. You are an SEO wiz, and your material is keyword-rich. But something is wrong. Traffic does not return. The money is not flowing in.
The problem is that your site has no buzz. You don't get back links, and the comment fields are empty. Occasionally you have to sweep them clear of spam. So what can you do?
You need to create a buzz. Compiling fresh content isn't enough for Google 2.0. Mere clone sites and mirror sites have been relegated to the back pages by Google's new algorithms. Lifeless, generic copy gets moved to the back of the line. You need original, creative content.
But how do I write creative articles?
In order to write creatively, you must think creatively. To be able to think creatively is a skill that must be acquired and learned. For example, one simple way to discover creative lines of thought is to make odd comparisons or non-obvious analogies. Let's take two seemingly different ideas such as the theory of evolution... and the blogosphere. Most modern theories of the evolution of life state that great, catastrophic extinction events were critical to forcing large-scale biological change. That's quite a mouthful. It just means that a comet or asteroid hit the earth and killed off the dinosaurs and 99% of life about 65 million years ago. The 1% that survived made up a narrow bottleneck. Extreme environmental stresses were brought to bear on these remaining species. All of the millions of species that are alive and flourishing today grew up out of that small surviving group.
A similar environmental catastrophe has occurred on the internet landscape. Most sites have been deemed unfit for survival by Google's new search-placement standards. The spider algorithms have selected for extinction the ad-crowded, copy-cat sites. The sites that survive are those that adapt to new conditions. Fact-gathering and compiled information that is surrounded by ad-shrubbery is out. Link and ad aggregation is out.
It's time to adapt to the new scenery. It's time to breathe life and personality into your articles and tell an interesting anecdote, or create a lively, original analogy. Robust activity and responsive, interactive traffic is in. The truth is that, in today's climate, your site would be better off being the scene of an accident than being a lifeless collection of links and ads.
That is the new reality, the new conditions you are working under. A small number of first-page sites have survived and are making their way through this narrow bottleneck. And that's okay. Out of this bottleneck is coming new growth, a new species of blogs and sites that offer original and creative content. The Internet itself will be better off in the long run. Bloggers and designers will be better off in the long run. So adapt, or die off. That is the harsh evolutionary reality.
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