It's true that many websites are designed with a blog page incorporated. The question is then why do you need a separate one?
Part of the reason is in the perception your potential customer has of what they are viewing. A website is often seen as static and its sole purpose seen as describing your products or services and trying to sell to you. A blog on the other hand is perceived as more social. People perceive that blogs are more informative and up to date and in a word,dynamic. It's importance then lies very much in the fact that it can drive educated and qualified (having educated your potential customers in how you can benefit them) buyers to your website
The other important advantage they have is that it is becoming ever more important to provide fresh and useful content to enhance the reader's experience and hence by looked upon by the search engines as a candidate for a high ranking. For these reasons, many internet marketers look on separate blogs as a powerful tool in their marketing armouries. This leads on to the next point that you can own as many blogs as you wish.
The only cost to you is the domain name as you have top have a separate domain name for each blog. Why is this important. It is important for the reason that you can use "longtail" keywords that are specific to a target audience. Thus if you have a site selling dog collars and chains, you can have different blogs for different breeds of dog. You can create a blog for a breed such as Cairn Terriers. You ca then create a blog for Setters. You can then go onto create a blog for unusual breeds and so on. Each blog will dwell on the specific needs of that particular breed or group of breeds and their specific needs in terms of style type and weight of collar and lead.
Whereas some people may criticize this as creating too much work, we would argue that it does two very important things. Firstly it enables you to use a keyword that exactly matches the keyword search of a particular customer i.e. where someone types "dog leads and collars for Setters" or "dog leads and collars for terriers" into the search engine. Secondly, internet marketer will tell you that people often pay a higher price for a product or service that is designed specifically for them. In this way you can almost segment your audience.
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